La magie de l'île Saint-Pierre

Bruno Marthaler, director of the restaurant and hotel of the monastery on the island of Saint-Pierre, works in one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland. This natural paradise with its own organic farm and vines invites you to relax, discover and enjoy. Les passagères et les passagers de l'Attila Boutique Boatel passeront un séjour inoubliable sur l'île de Rousseau.


"I always take my first café of the day here, to take full advantage of this magnificent setting," declares Bruno Marthaler, taking a deep inspiration. We took a seat on a bench in front of the monastery, the sun was shining on the horizon, illuminating the sky and the lake with a beautiful reddish hue. A nuée of étourneaux, perched in the cimes derrière nous, bruyamment le jour nouveau. One hume, entend et savoure le paysage intact de la réserve naturelle.


Spécialités régionales pour les hôtes d'Attila

" This region has a lot to offer, including culinary delicacies. My aim is to promote regional producers and to orient the menu accordingly. " It has only been a few weeks since Bruno Marthaler became the chef (or, as he sourly calls him, the "capo") of the restaurant and hotel of the monastery. As a chef de métier and nomad who has undergone additional training as a specialist in organic gastronomy, he hopes to put the island's organic farm, the local pêcheur, local produce growers and winemakers from the Trois-Lacs region in the spotlight in the future. " I can also imagine to lean the menu in favor of regional and quality products. ".

L'île Saint-Pierre is an escale fixe et, bien sûr, une attraction particulière de la croisière de l'Attila qui sillonne les Trois-Lacs. The passengers and passers-by of Boutique Boatel are choyed by Bruno Marthaler and his team with the best products of the region. In the future, however, he would like to welcome the fins becs not only in the summer but also in the winter. "Here, the atmosphere is a beauty to soothe the soul, even in winter. I don't want to spoil my guests. Everything is placed under the sign of relaxation, of the tranquillity of the place. Thus, a beautiful space with a fireplace in the caveau does not wait to be used. I'm also working on creating menus that are divided into several plates of veggie and vegetarian dishes, or offering a dinner on the menu or a tart with chips from the four à bois, as our grandmothers used to do. " Bruno Marthaler is a passionné. Et on peut très bien s'imaginer passer un agréable dimanche après-midi hivernal dans ce lieu.



Le retour au bercail des professionnels de la croisière

" Regardez l'amarrage de l'Attila : une place de rêve. There is no better place to relax and start the day. And to enjoy a morning bath with a good café first thing in the morning. " The water is crystal clear, the amarrage is on a beautiful rive a few steps from the monastery, the morning sun illuminates the landscape. Bruno Marthaler approves the idea of proposing a cruise on the Trois-Lacs. " I've grown up here and am now back to my roots thanks to my new job. The whole region is unique in its beauty. I can only imagine how relaxing it must be to glide over the water and relax on board this boat. It's a wonderful idea."

Bruno Marthaler can imagine the Attila cruise even better because he himself has been a chef on cruise boats for many years. "I spent seven years on cruise ships, very often on expedition voyages, for example in Antarctica, or on very large ships. I also spent a long time in Australia and I worked a little bit in Europe. ". But now, he is back. After introducing a wide range of organic products for the Glatz bakery in Berne in recent years, the island of Saint-Pierre is now his new professional port of call. " With my wife on my side, I want to build something new on the island of Saint-Pierre. It's all about new attractive offers in both summer and winter, an emphasis on regionality and, why not, attracting a family of cigogs," he says, sighing in the morning sun. And to add, quite rightly, "it's the best place to work in the world! ".




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